Квест совсем
не сложный. Сложность может возникнуть только при поиске
Temple в городах (Temple - место где ваш герой появляется
в случае гибели):
Для начала вам нужно прийти в город
Thais в Temple и поговорить с Quentin,
Player: hi
Quentin: Welcome, adventurer Player! If you are new
in Tibia, ask me for help.
Player: wooden stake
Quentin: A blessed stake to defeat evil spirits? I do
know an old prayer which is said to grant sacred power
and to be able to bind this power to someone, or something.
Quentin: However, this prayer needs the combined energy
of ten priests. Each of them has to say one line of
the prayer. ...
Quentin: I could start with the prayer, but since the
next priest has to be in a different location, you probably
will have to travel a lot. ...
Quentin: Is this stake really important enough to you
so that you are willing to take this burden?
Player: yes
Quentin: Alright, I guess you need a stake first. Maybe
Gamon can help you, the leg of a chair or something
could just do. Try asking him for a stake, and if you
have one, bring it back to me.
Идите в Furniture shop в Thais и поговорите
с Gamon
Player: hi
Gamon: Nice to meet you, Mister Player! Looking for
furniture? You've come to the right place!
Player: wooden stake
Gamon: Making a stake from a chair? Are you insane??!
I won't waste my chairs on you for free! You will have
to pay for it, but since I consider your plan a blasphemy,
it will cost 5000 gold pieces. Okay?
Player: yes
Gamon: Argh... my heart aches! Alright... a promise
is a promise. Here - take this wooden stake, and now
get lost.
У вас заберут 50 platinum coins за
кол (пока это самый обычный кол). Проверьте лежит ли
в вашем bp кол. You see a wooden stake. It weighs
5.00 oz. It is a simple wooden stake.
Идите обратно в Thais Temple и поговорите с Quentin
Player: hi
Quentin: Welcome, adventurer Player! If you are new
in Tibia, ask me for help.
Player: wooden stake
Quentin: Ah, I see you brought a stake with you. Are
you ready to receive my line of the prayer then?
Player: yes
Quentin: So receive my prayer: 'Light shall be near
- and darkness afar'. Now, bring your stake to Tibra
in the Carlin church for the next line of the prayer.
I will inform her what to do.
Едем (или идем) в Carlin Temple и говорим с Tibra
Player: hi
Tibra: Welcome in the name of the gods, pilgrim Player!
Player: wooden stake
Tibra: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared
to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Tibra: So receive my prayer: 'Hope may fill your heart
- doubt shall be banned'. Now, bring your stake to Maealil
in the elven settlement for the next line of the prayer.
I will inform him what to do.
Едем (или идем) в Ab'dendriel Temple и говорим с Maealil
Player: hi
Maealil: Ashari, Player.
'Player: wooden stake
Maealil: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared
to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Maealil: So receive my prayer: 'Peace may fill your
soul - evil shall be cleansed'. Now, bring your stake
to Yberius in the Venore temple for the next line of
the prayer. I will inform him what to do.
Едем (или идем) в Vemore Temple и говорим с Yberius
Player: hi
Yberius: Welcome, young Player! If you are new in Tibia,
ask me for help.
Player: wooden stake
Yberius: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared
to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Yberius: So receive my prayer: 'Protection will be granted
- from dangers at hand'. Now, bring your stake to Isimov
in the dwarven settlement for the next line of the prayer.
I will inform him what to do.
Идем в Kazordoon (для меня это было самой сложной частью,
ибо найти Temple в Kazordoon сложно) и говорим с Isimov
Player: hi
Isimov: Hiho Player and greetings my child!
Player: wooden stake
Isimov: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared
to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Isimov: So receive my prayer: 'Unclean spirits shall
be repelled'. Now, bring your stake to Amanda in Edron
for the next line of the prayer. I will inform her what
to do.
Едем на Edron и говорим с Amanda в Temple
Player: hi
Amanda: Welcome to the temple of Banor's blood Player.
Player: wooden stake
Amanda: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared
to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Amanda: So receive my prayer: 'Wicked curses shall be
broken'. Now, bring your stake to Kasmir in Darashia
for the next line of the prayer. I will inform him what
to do.
Едем (а лучше летим на ковре-самолете) в Darashia temple
и говорим с Kasmir
Player: hi
Kasmir: May Daraman enlighten you Player!
Player: wooden stake
Kasmir: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared
to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Kasmir: So receive my prayer: 'Let there be honour and
humility'. Now, bring your stake to Rahkem in Ankrahmun
for the next line of the prayer. I will inform him what
to do.
Едем в Ankrahmun и говорим с Rahkem
Player: hi
Rahkem: Be mourned pilgrim in flesh.
Player: wooden stake
Rahkem: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared
to receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Rahkem: So receive my prayer: 'Let there be power and
compassion'. Now, bring your stake to Brewster in Port
Hope for the next line of the prayer. I will inform
him what to do
Едем в Port Hope и говорим с Brewster
.Player: hi
Brewster: G...greetings <hicks>.
Player: wooden stake
Brewster: Yes, I was informed what to do. Are you prepared
to <hicks> receive my line of the prayer?
Player: yes
Brewster: So receive my prayer: 'Your hand shall be
guided - your feet shall walk in <hicks> harmony'.
Now, bring your stake to Tyrias in <hicks> Liberty
Bay for the next line of the prayer. I will inform him
what to do.
Едем в Liberty bay и говорим с Tyrias
Player: hi
Tyrias: Be greeted, child.
Player: wooden stake
Tyrias: Brewster sent me a strange message about some
strange hocus-pocus. I think it's nonsense, but since
you have come that far, I'll play along. Are you ready?
Player: yes
Tyrias: So receive my prayer: 'Your mind shall be a
vessel for joy, light and wisdom' - uh, wow, something
happened. Well, I guess that's it, but next time if
you need some mumbo jumbo rather go to Chondur.
You see a blessed wooden stake.
It weighs 5.00 oz.
Many mighty priests of Tibia have blessed this stake. |